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Maureen Amberg is an author and entrepreneur whose primary focus is on the self esteem and positive confidence of kids and teenagers.

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My only goal here is to make life better for children of all ages, and hopefully I am providing some awesome information for them to gain a more forceful and positive hold on the secrets to a better life.

Always caring for kids,

Maureen Amberg

Kids Edge

Kids Edge
I am the one in blue turtleneck

Monday, June 15, 2009

Can Google Ad Sense Actually Work? by Pierre Basson

Does Google Ad Sense Truly Work? Typical of a newbie's query is "can somebody actually earn cash with Google Ad Sense?" The answer is a powerful yes. But, it is dependent on what website you are putting up, and how much effort you are putting in. Have a look at the 2 real cases below, to understand what I mean. These are examples of how you can earn income from Adsense websites and make instant profits to earn from home. It is much easier thatn you think, yet it does require effort or work. Working from home is a realistic expectation, but requires extra effort in the beginning to get it going. just like any business out there.

Case 1
There's an owner of a blog website about investing which has nearly 5 visitors a day, with just about the same number of page views. It rarely earns from Google Ad Sense but if it becomes a click, it's worth about $2.

Case 2
Another is a foreign words site with roughly 2k visitors, and 6000 page views a day. Search engine optimization is not a problem since almost all of its visitors naturally come from Google. If you see the numbers above, you can certainly think that "hey, that should earn a lot in Ad Sense!" However, it just earns about $5 a day, only $0.05 per click.Well, $5 still sounds good. It can cover for the monthly website hosting payment at least. But come to consider it, if the investing blog website in case one has just the same number of visitors and page views a day, with a median of a hundred clicks each day in Ad Sense, how much do you believe it'll earn?

Google Ad Sense is a program from Google that let its members to display applicable adverts in their web sites or blogs. Topical implies that these ads are related to the content of the website the ads are in. Since it is several pieces of code pasted in the site's html document, differing types of advertisements appear in each page of the site unless the site just covers a single subject. So, if you are writing about investing like the site in Case one, adverts that may in the site could be: Earn Money at Home, Forex Chart, or Mutual Fund Investing. With these topical advertisements, your visitors will be sure to click on the advertisements, More visitors clicking on the ads, means more payment from Google.

So in setting up a site or blog, and you want to earn money from Ad Sense, it is smart to look over the keywords in your topic, the competition in your niche, and if the amount of visitors you outlook is achievable. The explanation why you have to take note of these is because these are the factors that will work out much you may earn from Ad Sense. So, it is really a mixture of smart writing and internet marketing.

See how to get ads sense
working for you.

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

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San Pedro, CA, United States
Maureen is an author,entrepreneur and children's advocate for MEA Online Edge Inc., with emphasis on the self esteem and self confidence of children; including teenagers. Caring for Kids is my current life focus. I strive to be tranquil, serene, and compassionate. Hopefully, this translates into "peaceful and calm".



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