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Maureen Amberg is an author and entrepreneur whose primary focus is on the self esteem and positive confidence of kids and teenagers.

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My only goal here is to make life better for children of all ages, and hopefully I am providing some awesome information for them to gain a more forceful and positive hold on the secrets to a better life.

Always caring for kids,

Maureen Amberg

Kids Edge

Kids Edge
I am the one in blue turtleneck

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Marketing Strategies - What Do Twitter and the Stock Market Have in Common?

Technology offers lots of great tools that make running a business easier and faster. But once in a while, technology hiccups. Just such a hiccup occurred earlier this year involving Twitter and just in case your world leaving some important reminders in it's wake. Here's what happened.

A Twitter account will most often get suspended because of spam-like activity. One Sunday afternoon a few of the top authorities on social networking learned that their Twitter accounts were suspended. In no time, the news spread via Facebook and blogs and it quickly became clear that thousands of legitimate accounts were suspended - including mine.

It took several hours, but Twitter finally posted a statement apologizing for the problem blaming it on human, not technical, error and said they were working hard to fix it.

By Monday morning it seemed that all was well again but the affect of having tweeting rights revoked created a mini panic akin to a marketing black Friday! The most extreme response I read came from a guy claiming one of his clients threatened to sue him for the mismanagement of his Twitter account.

Something like this might tempt you to throw out the baby with the bath water and conclude that Twitter (or social networking) is bad, useless, dead, even dangerous to include in your marketing. That would be a mistake.

What happened with Twitter does not mean that social networking or technology is bad, it underscores that marketing diversity is good. In the same way that an investment portfolio needs to be diversified to be healthy and stable, so does your marketing.

Does your marketing mix include an earthy-crunchy, heart healthy, granola-esque combination of at least four or five of the following?

* Regular and consistent email communication via an ezine
* A blog that you post on at a minimum of once a week
* Following and commenting on the blogs of others who share your audience
* Article marketing using directories like Ezine Articles
* Mailings of some sort - newsletter, postcard or an occasional handwritten note
* The relevant use of press releases
* Live networking at least once a month
* Hosting a teleclass
* Being a guest on someone else's teleclass
* Posting audio recordings of interviews and teleclasses on your website
* Active participation on multiple social networking sites - not just one
* Public speaking

I encourage you to take stock of your marketing mix by listing your marketing activities and reviewing each one then ask yourself exactly how your business would be affected if it disappeared. Anything beyond inconvenience is a sign that it's time to increase the diversification of your marketing portfolio.

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

An E-marketing Strategist, Lisa Almeida, shows business owners how to leverage technology with ease to achieve big business results with small business budgets. If you are in the market for simple and effective client attraction strategies which are designed to generate repeat sales then visit http://www.PlanitwithLisa.com today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Almeida

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About Me

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San Pedro, CA, United States
Maureen is an author,entrepreneur and children's advocate for MEA Online Edge Inc., with emphasis on the self esteem and self confidence of children; including teenagers. Caring for Kids is my current life focus. I strive to be tranquil, serene, and compassionate. Hopefully, this translates into "peaceful and calm".



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