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Maureen Amberg is an author and entrepreneur whose primary focus is on the self esteem and positive confidence of kids and teenagers.

Welcome to My Blog

I appreciate that you have other choices of what to do with your time, so Thank You for visiting.

Your comments ~ negative or positive, constructive or not, will be gratefully received.

My only goal here is to make life better for children of all ages, and hopefully I am providing some awesome information for them to gain a more forceful and positive hold on the secrets to a better life.

Always caring for kids,

Maureen Amberg

Kids Edge

Kids Edge
I am the one in blue turtleneck

Monday, August 24, 2009

Internet Marketing - It Will Change Your Life

So, why should you consider internet marketing? The reasons are endless. But let's start with the most obvious and work from there.

• Easily targeted. If you build it, they will come. It's that simple. Because internet marketing is keyword driven your niche will draw the business. From eyewear to carseat covers - people type it into their browsers and, with very little effort on your part - you're in business.

• It's cheaper. Considering the first point made this is obvious. Because there is little overhead, save for the cost of web maintenance, and any s&h on those orders you will be sending to your customers, it's virtually the only way to go these days (pun intended).

• Wider exposure. Visitors and customers can share your links with others with ease. Thanks to social media, you can even advertise your business for free on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, and more.

• Earn while you sleep. Because the internet never turns off you can make money in your sleep. Customers can come from all time zones to purchase your services or products with a click of the mouse while you are dreaming the night away.

• More money. The first four points make it clear that you will make more through internet marketing than you could ever make if you went to the trouble and expense of setting up shop on Main Street, USA.

There's no reason to go back to the traditional way of doing business unless you are a glutton for punishment. If you're worried that you are not internet savvy - that's also an easy fix. If you went to the extent of hiring someone to build your website and oversee it, it would still be cheaper than hiring several employees to handle merchandise, payroll, customer service and packaging.

What are you waiting for? Take advantage of internet marketing today and start accumulating vast wealth tomorrow. It's easy, it's relatively inexpensive and it opens a whole new world to you that would otherwise be unavailable. Fewer employees (fewer headaches), low overhead, more exposure, more money.

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lonnie_Avery

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Attitude is Everything - What's Yours?

Attitude is the difference between seeing an opportunity instead of a challenge. It's what makes you act instead of react. It turns a bad situation into a lesson, and it puts you squarely in control of your own life instead of being at the mercy of others.

It's all in the way you look at things.

I learned that first a coaching client, and later as a coach.

Every week, I would write down what had happened since our previous session. What had I accomplished? What fell by the wayside - and why? What were my challenges? My opportunities?

It didn't take long to realize that my challenges and problems were nothing more than opportunities in disguise.

It's incredibly empowering to make that a working part of your life.

There are very few circumstances as debilitating as feeling powerless, unable to grab hold of a situation and make it respond to you.

Powerlessness leads to inertia and depression. Action is the antidote to much of what ails us when we feel out of control, pushed around by people or events that we feel are beyond our ability to influence.

The key thing to remember is that while we may not be in control of certain situations - say, the price of gasoline or someone who is rude to you on the phone - we are most certainly in control of how we react to them.

Can you lower the cost of fuel? Not directly, perhaps, but you can take action to minimize the impact gasoline prices have on you.

You can organize your errands so you're not making unnecessary trips, make sure your car's engine is running efficiently, buy a vehicle that gets better gas mileage, carpool, ride a bike and so on.

It may be more of a challenge to deal with the emotional backwash of someone who dumps on you, but you - and only you - are in charge of how that will affect you.

You can get angry, embarrassed, resentful, irate, hostile, withdrawn, sulky, annoyed, guilty and the rest of the range of negative emotions.

Or you can choose to react differently: You can be understanding, forgiving, loving, open-minded, friendly and so on.

Sound sappy? Maybe, but consider this. Which would you rather feel? If you have a choice between feeling bad and feeling good, which would you prefer?

It's hard to feel positive when someone is rude to you, but the truth is, you have no idea what prompted the rudeness.

Almost certainly is has very little to do with you - you're just the most convenient whipping post, even if something you've said or done triggers the unpleasant outburst.

Often, the more unexpected the attack, the less it has to do with you.

I've been dressed down by people who have lost their homes, who have had deaths in the family and who have lost their jobs.

I was not responsible for any of those conditions, but I felt the brunt of their pain.

Maybe that the idiot who cuts you off in traffic is speeding to the hospital to be with a dying relative. Or maybe he truly is just an idiot - but in either case, how you react to his actions is entirely up to you.

It's all about attitude. What's yours?

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

Jackie Harder owns Key Dynamics, a coaching, training and consulting company in Key Largo, Fla. She is a graduate of the Core Essentials Program of CoachInc., member of the International Coach Federation and International Associations of Coaches, and is president of the Key Largo Chamber of Commerce. Got questions about coaching, or would like a complementary session? Go to http://key-dynamics.com and learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jackie_Harder

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Article Marketing - Narrow Your Focus!

If you're thinking about writing an article, you may pick a topic and realize that topic is so huge that you really don't know where to begin. That's where focus comes in. You need to pinpoint one facet of the topic and write just about that.

For instance, I wrote an article for AppleSeeds magazine a few years ago. The issue was about Native American Powwows, which is a huge topic! Think of everything that's involved: dancing, singing, costumes, food, significance of different ceremonies, and more. I had to come up with an "angle," which is another word for focus, and so, I chose the Powwow Drum. No, it's not the drum that Native American people beat; it's much more and comprised of the instrument and the singers. It's really quite a fascinating story.

So, I had to narrow my focus even more. What about the drum was most interesting to me? I decided it was the headman, who leads the singers and sets the drum beat. His duties and expertise became my focus, and I learned a lot while writing that article. I really enjoy writing about Native American culture and religion because it's a fascination for me. I love to study the subject

And that's how you should feel when choosing your niche. It should be something that makes money, obviously, but it should also be something you enjoy and want to spend time with. My online business started with Internet marketing and that's where I've stayed, but I'm on the writerly side of things. I love to write articles and have used that strategy to help my clients rank #1 in the search engines for their main keywords. That means targeted customers, serious about your product or service. But if you try to bite off too much when writing, you'll just be lost and overwhelmed. It's important to make things very narrow. Make a mind map of your idea, and you'll soon see all the different facets of your niche that you could write about, if you narrow things down. For instance, don't write about golf. Write about golf clubs, golf swings, golf shoes, etc.

Another concrete example is the article I wrote for Calliope several years ago. The issue was about Suleiman the Magnificent. Wow! That topic is HUGE. He was one of the Ottoman emperors. So, we have the Ottoman lineage, Suleiman's profile, his reign, his conquests, the history of the empire, and so on.

I chose to write about an obscure incident because I wanted to be different from the other gazillion writers trying to get an article into that issue. Apparently, the editor liked my query, but she had other ideas about what she wanted to see. Because I mentioned the Janissaries in my query, she asked if I'd write an article about the Ottoman army. You never know where your writing adventure will take you. That's the kick for me. I learn so much!

Anyway, my point is that you shouldn't try to grab the whole tiara. Take one glittering jewel and polish that until it shines. Articles are extremely powerful.

Pat Marcello is SEO at Overcome Everything, Inc. and a professional writer. Pick up her free report on article marketing at http://www.pats7secrets.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pat_Marcello

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tea Tree Oil

Dr. Andrew Weil writes:
"Tea tree oil, a recent Australian import, is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a native tree of New South Wales. Aborigines chewed the leaves for colds and drank a tea of them for general sickness. The oil is a powerful disinfectant and most useful herbal remedy. It is a clear liquid, strongly aromatic, with an odor similar to that of eucalyptus. Tea tree oil is a good treatment for fungal infections of the skin (athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch). It will also clear up fungal infections of the toenails or fingernails, a condition notoriously resistant to treatment, even by strong systemic antibiotics. You just paint the oil on affected areas two or three times a day. Tea tree oil is nontoxic. Apply it full strength to boils and other localized infections. A ten percent solution (about one and a half tablespoons to a cup of warm water) can be used to rinse and clean infected wounds with good results. The same solution makes an effective vaginal douche for treatment of both yeast and Trichomonas infections, but some women may find it irritating. Tea tree oil is available in most health-food and herb stores. Make sure that the label says it is pure".

Melaleuca (pronounced /ˌmɛləˈljuːkə/)[1] is a genus of plants in the myrtle family Myrtaceae. There are well over 200 recognized species, most of which are endemic to Australia.[2] A few species occur in Malesia and 7 species are endemic to New Caledonia.[2][3] The species are shrubs and trees growing (depending on species) to 2–30 m tall, often with flaky, exfoliating bark. The leaves are evergreen, alternately arranged, ovate to lanceolate, 1-25 cm long and 0.5-7 cm broad, with an entire margin, dark green to grey-green in colour. The flowers are produced in dense clusters along the stems, each flower with fine small petals and a tight bundle of stamens; flower colour varies from white to pink, red, pale yellow or greenish. The fruit is a small capsule containing numerous minute seeds.

Melaleuca is closely related to Callistemon, the main difference between the genera being that the stamens are generally free in Callistemon but grouped into bundles in Melaleuca.

In the wild, Melaleuca plants are generally found in open forest, woodland or shrubland, particularly along watercourses and the edges of swamps.

The best-accepted common name for Melaleuca is simply melaleuca; however most of the larger species are also known as paperbarks, and the smaller types as honey myrtles. They are also sometimes referred to as punk trees.[4]

One well-known melaleuca, the Ti tree (aka tea tree), Melaleuca alternifolia, is notable for its essential oil which is both anti-fungal, and antibiotic, while safely usable for topical applications. This is produced on a commercial scale, and marketed as Tea Tree Oil. The Ti tree is presumably named for the brown colouration of many water courses caused by leaves shed from trees of this and similar species (for a famous example see Brown Lake (Stradbroke Island)). The name "tea tree" is also used for a related genus, Leptospermum. Both Leptospermum and Melaleuca are myrtles of the family, Myrtaceae.

In Australia, Melaleuca species are sometimes used as food plants by the larvae of hepialid moths of the genus Aenetus including A. ligniveren. These burrow horizontally into the trunk then vertically down.

Melaleucas are popular garden plants, both in Australia and other tropical areas worldwide. In Hawaii and the Florida everglades, Melaleuca quinquenervia (Broad-leaved Paperbark) was introduced in order to help drain low-lying swampy areas. It has since gone on to become a serious invasive weed with potentially very serious consequences being that the plants are highly flammable and spread aggressively. Melaleuca populations have nearly quadrupled in southern Florida over the past decade, as can be noted on IFAS's SRFer Mapserver

The genus Callistemon was recently placed into Melaleuca.

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Buy Organic?

Why Buy Organic Foods

I realize we have written about the reasons for going organic before, but I think it is important to reinforce them, and what better time than now? Start off the new year knowing the important reasons to go organic. The following is a guest post from Joe Silver.

USDA Organic1. Organic produce was grown without poisons that are meant to kill bugs, called pesticides. If these poisons kill these small living creatures, what do you think they do to your body? The average non-organic apple has 20-30 artificial poisons on its skin, even after rinsing. You deserve the best, so think about avoiding the poisons and go organic!

2. Fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than conventionally farmed produce. The science behind this percentage shows that it's good for you.

3. Organic foods guarantee that you can avoid eating genetically modified (GM) food. GM food is created in a laboratory and designed to withstand various forms of pesticides and herbicides. Unfortunately your body doesn't tolerate these geneticaly-modified foods as well as their original counterparts(no surprises here). By buying organic food, you are putting in your vote against the use of GMO's.

4. If you eat dairy or meat products, going organic is essential to safeguarding your family's health. Traditional, non-organic raised dairy cows and farm animals are fed a dangerous cocktail of anti-biotics, growth promoting drugs, anti-parasite drugs and many other medicines on a daily basis, whether they are sick or not. These drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy produce or meat.

5. Protect our water quality since all of the spraying on non-organic crops will rinse right off the plants and into our water supply. Humans can live without food for some time, but without water, the outlook is bleak in a very short amount of time. Men's bodies consist of about 60% water, where women's bodies consist of about 55% water. Choose organic and rest assure the next time your thirsty and reach for that cold glass of water it will be pure.


6. Organic produce simply tastes so much better. Organic fruit and vegetables are juicy and flavourful, and so many different varieties to try! Just because you are picking organic doesn't mean your selection is limited, most fruit and vegetables have organic versions, with more and more added every day.

7. Organic farms support and nurture our beautiful and diverse wildlife. Over the last thirty years, intensive farming has led to dramatic erosion of the soil, a fall of up to 70% of wild birds in some areas, the destruction of ancient growth forests, and the near extinction of some of the most beautiful species of butterflies, frogs, grass-snakes and wild mammals. Organic farming is a holistic approach to living together with the land and not scalping it raw for bigger and bigger profits.

8. Organic food is not really more expensive than intensively farmed foods, as we pay for conventional foods through our taxes. We spend billions of dollars every year cleaning up the mess that agro-chemicals make to our natural water supply. Go organic for a genuine more cost-effective future.

9. Non-organic farming can seriously damage farm workers' health. There are much higher instances of cancer, respiratory problems and other major diseases in farm workers from non-organic farms. This is particularly true in developing countries, and for agrochemical farms growing cotton, which is by far the most toxic crop. So go organic if you care about other people who labor and sweat to keep our bellies full and our bodies clothed.

10. Lastly, but certainly not leastly, if you simply like the idea of your children and grandchildren being able to visit the countryside and play in the forests and fields just like we did when we were young, go organic for the sake of all of our futures.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Marketing Strategies - What Do Twitter and the Stock Market Have in Common?

Technology offers lots of great tools that make running a business easier and faster. But once in a while, technology hiccups. Just such a hiccup occurred earlier this year involving Twitter and just in case your world leaving some important reminders in it's wake. Here's what happened.

A Twitter account will most often get suspended because of spam-like activity. One Sunday afternoon a few of the top authorities on social networking learned that their Twitter accounts were suspended. In no time, the news spread via Facebook and blogs and it quickly became clear that thousands of legitimate accounts were suspended - including mine.

It took several hours, but Twitter finally posted a statement apologizing for the problem blaming it on human, not technical, error and said they were working hard to fix it.

By Monday morning it seemed that all was well again but the affect of having tweeting rights revoked created a mini panic akin to a marketing black Friday! The most extreme response I read came from a guy claiming one of his clients threatened to sue him for the mismanagement of his Twitter account.

Something like this might tempt you to throw out the baby with the bath water and conclude that Twitter (or social networking) is bad, useless, dead, even dangerous to include in your marketing. That would be a mistake.

What happened with Twitter does not mean that social networking or technology is bad, it underscores that marketing diversity is good. In the same way that an investment portfolio needs to be diversified to be healthy and stable, so does your marketing.

Does your marketing mix include an earthy-crunchy, heart healthy, granola-esque combination of at least four or five of the following?

* Regular and consistent email communication via an ezine
* A blog that you post on at a minimum of once a week
* Following and commenting on the blogs of others who share your audience
* Article marketing using directories like Ezine Articles
* Mailings of some sort - newsletter, postcard or an occasional handwritten note
* The relevant use of press releases
* Live networking at least once a month
* Hosting a teleclass
* Being a guest on someone else's teleclass
* Posting audio recordings of interviews and teleclasses on your website
* Active participation on multiple social networking sites - not just one
* Public speaking

I encourage you to take stock of your marketing mix by listing your marketing activities and reviewing each one then ask yourself exactly how your business would be affected if it disappeared. Anything beyond inconvenience is a sign that it's time to increase the diversification of your marketing portfolio.

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

An E-marketing Strategist, Lisa Almeida, shows business owners how to leverage technology with ease to achieve big business results with small business budgets. If you are in the market for simple and effective client attraction strategies which are designed to generate repeat sales then visit http://www.PlanitwithLisa.com today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Almeida

Monday, August 3, 2009

Skin Cancer - Breathe Right - The Surprising Link Between Asthma and Vitamin D

Vitamin D sure is in the news a lot lately. In fact, a recent statistic showed that up to 80 percent of American adults are deficient in vitamin D! That's a startling fact, especially considering all of the health benefits vitamin D can have, from keeping your heart healthy to staving off dementia and cancer. Now, a new study has shown that there's an asthma-vitamin D connection - especially if you're a mom-to-be. Let's take a look at this recent discovery.

An insufficiency of Vitamin D may be linked to the severity of asthma symptoms in children, according to a new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. According to the study, a higher intake of vitamin D by pregnant women can reduce the risk of asthma in children as much as 40 percent.

Pregnant women who were vitamin D deficient had more of a chance of having a child who suffered from asthma and other allergies, according to the studies. The study was the first performed on children and the link to vitamin D concerning asthma.

The study also indicated that children with a vitamin D deficiency were more likely to be hospitalized for asthma symptoms than those who had enough of the vitamin in their bloodstream. In addition to being hospitalized for asthmatic symptoms, these children were also more likely to be more hyperactive and have more allergies and sensitivities.

What is Asthma?
Asthma is a serious condition that often requires hospitalization for someone experiencing an attack. Asthma has increased more than 300 percent in the last 20 years and affects around 20 million Americans. Clinically, asthma causes inflammation of your upper airways. The symptoms are wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightening, and coughing.

Other studies have been performed to discover how to lessen the symptoms of asthma and prevent attacks. A study performed in Australia in 2006 on mice indicated that sunlight reduced the symptoms of asthma. And for those of you who have been paying attention, one source of vitamin D is sunlight.

Researchers, according to the published report, feel that vitamin D is linked to the immune system as well as lung development in unborn children. Women who took vitamin D when pregnant had a 40 percent less risk of having children diagnosed with asthma between the ages of 3 and 5, which is when most conditions are diagnosed.

Vitamin D is filtered through the skin by UV rays from the sun. Getting enough outside exposure is one way to elevate the levels of Vitamin D. However, sometimes it's difficult to get an adequate amount of daily sun exposure, especially if you live in the "northern" regions of the country. A vitamin D supplement is one way to increase the levels of vitamin D in your body if you cannot get enough vitamin D from the sun. Taking a supplement will make sure that you are getting enough of the levels of this vitamin to reduce your risk of asthma symptoms.

In fact, according to reports, if you have 60 ng/ml levels of vitamin D in your bloodstream, you may not experience the signs of asthma any longer. This gives new hope to those who have asthma, or have children with the condition.

Breathe better by getting more vitamin D!

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Cool_Harry

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Article Marketing - What's Keyword Density and How Do I Find It?

If you're new online, so many terms come flying at you from so many different directions that it's hard to keep up. One fundamental term that you really need to learn about is "keyword density." What does that mean?

Keyword density is the relationship between your keyword or keyword phrase in comparison to the total number of words in your article, web page, sales letter, etc. For instance, if I wrote a 100 word article and 1 of my words was my keyword, that would mean my keyword was in my article at a density of 1%. Simple.

But here's the thing... You want a density that's around 2%. Therefore, in our example above, you'd have to use your keyword twice. However, you won't get an article approved at a directory, if it's that short. It's fine if you're putting something on your website or writing an ad for something, but an article should be at least 500 words, and not more than about 750 words long. So, if you were writing a 500 word article, you'd need 10 of the words in that article to be your keywords. At 750 words, you'd have to use your keyword 15 times. See how that works?

Argh! But what if you use a keyword phrase, like all good search engine conscious people? How in the world does one calculate that?

Not to worry! There are plenty of keyword density analyzers out there. Trouble is, many of them analyze keywords on a web page. You want an analyzer that accepts your text and analyzes it before putting it into a directory or on a web page.

That's where Live Keyword Analysis comes in (http://live-keyword-analysis.com). You simply plug your text into the message blank and add your keywords or keyword phrases above and it instantly tells you what your keyword density is. If it's too high--above about 2.2% or more--then find your keywords and plug in synonyms (words that mean the same thing). For example, if you were writing about home remodeling, you might use the phrase home improvement in its stead. Search engines do pick up words that also "surround" your niche. This is called latent semantic indexing, and though it's not as strong as it will be in the future, search engines like Google are already using it to get he best search results to their end users as they possibly can. That means Google can pick up the "gist" of your article or website and see what it's about.

If your keyword density comes up short, find places where your keyword will fit in naturally. Don't bother to squeeze or "stuff" it into places that it just won't go. Your article needs to "sound" right in your readers' heads, or you won't have them as readers for very long. One way to assure that your article reads well is to read it out loud. You'll be able to pinpoint areas that sound incongruous and be able to fix them.

Keyword density isn't a mystery of search engine optimization. Though you can do it by hand, coming up with the right density will take some time. Why waste what we have so little of? Try an online density analyzer and get that article or website out to the world! Using the appropriate keyword density in your articles and web pages shouldn't be an obstacle.

Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pat_Marcello

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Organic Food Gardening Beginners Manual

Click Here!

Have you always wanted an herb garden but didn't know how to get started? Do you want to know
more about growing your own herbs in the privacy of your home and using them in a variety of
cooking? There are many different ways to use herbs in cooking and nothing tastes as good in your
food as using fresh herbs. Herbs can be one of the easiest plants to grow!

There are hundreds of different herbs that can be grown in your home and used not only for
cooking, but for medicinal purposes as well. Best of all, growing your own herbs is easy and healthy.
Some herbs can actually stave off diseases, including cancer. It makes sense to use herbs in the
kitchen. If you are like most people, however, you may wonder what types of herbs you can use.
You want to know which are the best types of herbs to use in different dishes.

Learn basic gardening techniques to growing aromatic herbs. Understand the properties of these
powerful little plants. Learn their healing benefits.
How to Plant, Grow, Harvest and Cook
with Herbs

Incredible Exclusive Offer!
Learn what you can do with herbs!
Let Us Show You How to Answer These and Any Other Questions You Have
About Growing and Using Herbs
This informative e-book will guide you through the steps of planting an herb garden. You will know
how to plant fresh herbs and which are likely to grow well in your home. You can also learn how to
harvest the herbs and use them in certain dishes. In addition, you can discover ways to dry and
store fresh herbs that will enable them to keep their flavor. Best of all, you can learn how different
herbs can be used for medicinal purposes, as they have been for thousands of years. There is no
greater value than the value of having an herb garden.
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs in the Kitchen
How long have you put off trying new dishes because you didn't know if the herbs would make it taste
right? Tired of guessing what some of the herbs are even for? We show it all to you. You can start
cooking like a master chef!

Do you want to learn the different options for using herbs in the kitchen? Do you need to learn the
difference between spices and herbs? Do you need to know how to grow the herbs and what to do
with them after they have grown? If you are like many people, you want to know how to make the
most of fresh herbs in your cooking.

You have probably read about how much fresh herbs not only make your food taste better, but can
also provide health benefits for your diet. Here you can learn which types of herbs can easily be
grown indoors as well as the different options for using herbs in the kitchen. You can also learn the
difference between spices and herbs as well as learn exotic new ways to provide natural and healthy
additions to your cooking that will make it not only taste better, but give you health benefits as well.
* How to choose the herbs you need

* Find out where to get those hard to locate herbs

* Learn about drying herbs

* What is a Pesto sauce anyways?

* What can growing herbs in the garden do for
Everything You Need to Know About Growing Herbs
About Growing Herbs

The when's, where's and how's for planting an herb garden. This is
not as difficult as you may think. Even if you've never had a green
thumb, herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow. You can grow
your herb garden either indoors or outdoors, depending upon the
type of the herb. This book will teach you which type of herbs grow
best outdoors and which can be grown indoors as well as the best
ways to grow the herbs.
Collecting Herbs

Growing herbs is only the first part of the process of using herbs in
your kitchen, as well as for medicinal purposes. After the herbs are
grown, you have to know what to do with them, how to harvest them,
dry them, store them and when they are best for use. In addition,
you will also learn what types of herbs are best for certain types of
foods. Everything you need to know about harvesting, using and
storing herbs can be found here.
Here is what you will learn
inside this guide....
How Much Is That Worth To You?

Diana Catlin
Master Gardener
P.S. Remember what I said about being able to find the best sources for herbs?
To do this you will need the information in this e-book.
You could spend more than $47 on books that contain the information you will find in there. The
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herbs, including growing your own herbal garden, harvesting the herbs and using them for cooking
as well as other purposes, you can learn everything you need in this book.

This book explains, in plain English, exactly what you need to get started on your herb garden,
including which plants are easiest to grow, how they can be used, how to grow them, how much
water and light they need and when it is time to pick them and begin to harvest them. You will learn
how to store them and use them in certain dishes. All in easy to understand instructions. If you
have always wanted to learn about the valuable properties contained in herbs and how to use them,
this is the book for you.
If you're not totally thrilled with "From Seed Packets to Crock Pot: Herbal 101",
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* Why should you grow your own herbs?

* How do you use the many different herbs in
the kitchen?

* What herb goes in what dish?

* How do you make those rubs and spice


Mea is the owner of Online Edge Inc., a continuing education and business development company showing people how to build business success. Get No Obligation Free Tips and Training at :
Find out if you qualify to be trained in having your own business at 1-800-719-8268 ext. 32825

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The Worlds Most Romantic, Unique And Fun Dating Ideas - For Singles Or Married Couples. Most Dates Cost Under $20. On CB Best-seller List Year After Year.

Dear Friend,
id you know that while going out for dinner and a movie is one of the most popular dates, it is also one of the very worst dates you can go on? -- especially for couples in the early stages of dating!

Don't believe me?

Imagine this. You're sitting at a restaurant with a beautiful woman and everything seems to be going fine. But after ordering your meals, you realize you can't think of anything interesting to talk about. You try to think of something… anything!…

At that moment, your palms sweat, your heart thumps, and your mind begins to race at 100 miles an hour, as you notice her looking around the room disinterested.

You're losing her.

And after two hours filled with awkward silence and generic questions, you take her home…

…only to be struck with the cold sinking feeling that you blew your chances forever.

Still think dinner is a good idea?

Don't get me wrong, dinner can be great but it's just too hard to make a good impression over dinner.

And if you're always going on dinner dates with a long-term partner, it's likely that things are getting a little stale and you're dying to try something new.

creative date ideas
Dinner dates are a bad idea! It's just too
hard to make a good impression.

Either way, you want to keep having lots of fun with a special someone and you know that going on original dates is perhaps the very best tool to accomplish that.

But Finding Unique and Creative
Date Ideas Is The Hard Part!

Let's face it, trying to come up with cool unique date ideas is tough!

Honestly, it could take you hours searching only to come up with average ideas like: "spend the day at the beach or cook dinner at home." These ideas are 'okay' but there are much better ideas.

And that's where I come in.

You see, after realizing that people are starving for new and refreshing ways to spend time together, I decided to sit down, recall and write down all the fun-filled dates I've had with my wife Athena over the years. The result is a quality collection of date ideas from friends, family and myself.

Some of the media Michael Webb has appeared in:

But Why Should You Listen To Me and My Dating Ideas?

My name is Michael Webb.

And for the last 12 years I've been teaching people how to have fulfilling and successful relationships that last a lifetime through the power of romance.

In fact, because of some of my dating and romance ideas, media around the world have taken to calling me "The World's Most Romantic Man," "America's Romance Expert," "Mr. Romance," "The Martha Stewart of Romance" and other interesting monikers.

I don't necessarily agree with the titles, but I do aim to be the world's most loving husband to my wife of 17 years, Athena.

Not to mention I have been featured in media countless times.

Including every major newspaper in the United States, dozens of magazines and over 500 radio and TV shows such as Oprah, The 700 Club and Men Are From Mars / Women Are From Venus, sharing my tips and secrets with millions of viewers worldwide.

In addition, I am also a bestselling author of 11 books on love, romance and relationships.

My first book, "The Romantic's Guide" is a national bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its sixth printing.

All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on love, dating and relationship matters. So YOU KNOW you're in good hands with my date ideas.

But that's enough about me… here's what you get inside my book called…

300 Creative Dates!

Most of the dates inside are easy on the budget–date ideas for less than $20. Of course, be mindful that not all of these ideas will work for you. We are all unique in our own special way.

Find the ones that will work and adapt them to your particular style and situation and let this book inspire you to create your own exciting dates!

Here's Just a Taste of The Ideas You'll Get Inside This Valuable Resource…

You'll discover…

300 Creative Dates - Dozens of dates that are perfect for long-distance relationships. There are dates specifically for celebrating the season, birthdays, anniversaries, vacation dates and other special occasions.

You will find super inventive picnic date ideas and tips on making dinner dates the most creative and romantic imaginable without spending a lot of money or time in preparation.
8 Creative Ways To Ask Someone Out - Why just ask someone out the normal way when you can make it a memorable experience?
20 Dating Coupons - Coupons you can give your sweetheart to redeem for future creative dates.
The Do's and Don'ts of Dating - In addition to the 300 Creative Date ideas, this 100-plus page ebook covers the do's and don'ts of dating for success. If you haven't been on many dates or your dates have not gone very successfully, this information will be invaluable to you.
14 Dating Disaster Stories - As a special bonus - you will read a collection of disaster stories. They're hilarious, but also very valuable so you don't make the same mistakes.

With this material, you will be the envy of every husband and boyfriend within hundreds of miles. Your dates will be so impressed with your outings that they will certainly tell all their friends how romantic and creative you are.

And ladies, you need to plan some creative dates too! The more you put into your relationship, the more you will get back out of it.

creative date ideasUnique date ideas for first dates, birthdays, anniversaries,
long distance relationships and much more…

Use the ideas in this book to alternate the planning of date nights between you and your sweetheart.

I'm so certain that you will find 300 Creative Dates to be the very best resource for improving your date nights that it comes with a money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, send it back for a full refund. No questions asked!


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About Me

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San Pedro, CA, United States
Maureen is an author,entrepreneur and children's advocate for MEA Online Edge Inc., with emphasis on the self esteem and self confidence of children; including teenagers. Caring for Kids is my current life focus. I strive to be tranquil, serene, and compassionate. Hopefully, this translates into "peaceful and calm".



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