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Maureen Amberg is an author and entrepreneur whose primary focus is on the self esteem and positive confidence of kids and teenagers.

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I appreciate that you have other choices of what to do with your time, so Thank You for visiting.

Your comments ~ negative or positive, constructive or not, will be gratefully received.

My only goal here is to make life better for children of all ages, and hopefully I am providing some awesome information for them to gain a more forceful and positive hold on the secrets to a better life.

Always caring for kids,

Maureen Amberg

Kids Edge

Kids Edge
I am the one in blue turtleneck

Friday, December 11, 2009

Words from Dr. Bill

What if you inspired, helped someone make the right decision and helped change a life……..how great would that be!

What if you helped someone see their potential and achieve greatness beyond their imagination……..how great would that be!

What if your conviction, dedication and perseverance helped someone take the necessary actions that lead to their success in life…physically, spiritually, mentally and financially…….how great would that be!

What if all of the above proved to develop a leader of others, mentor to many and a person who others would want to emulate……..how rewarding would that make you feel!

What if that person was YOU?

Always caring for kids,


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About Me

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San Pedro, CA, United States
Maureen is an author,entrepreneur and children's advocate for MEA Online Edge Inc., with emphasis on the self esteem and self confidence of children; including teenagers. Caring for Kids is my current life focus. I strive to be tranquil, serene, and compassionate. Hopefully, this translates into "peaceful and calm".



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