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Maureen Amberg is an author and entrepreneur whose primary focus is on the self esteem and positive confidence of kids and teenagers.

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My only goal here is to make life better for children of all ages, and hopefully I am providing some awesome information for them to gain a more forceful and positive hold on the secrets to a better life.

Always caring for kids,

Maureen Amberg

Kids Edge

Kids Edge
I am the one in blue turtleneck

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life is Your Creation

You can make your life dreams come true. As you read further you will discover some techniques and principles to help you manifest your dreams with ease and grace.

The first step to manifesting what you want in life is to be very clear on what it is you want. What is it that you really want? Are you crystal clear on what it is that you want? One of the biggest reasons why people do not make their life dreams come true, is lack of clarity on what it is they truly want.

Another key to manifesting what it is that you truly want, and then being satisfied and happy when you receive what you want, is being clear on what part of you wants these things. Are your desires spirit driven, or ego driven? The desires of the ego will never satisfy you, completely and permanently.

It's okay to have a lot of money and live in a beautiful home, drive a nice car and all of those things. However, you have to be clear on why you want those things. Do you want these things to impress others and fill a hole within you? Or, do you want these things to feed your spirit and live a comfortable life, so that you can more clearly live your purpose to do good in the world and benefit others? We can do a lot of good in the world when we are wealthy. We also can live a very shallow and empty life when we are rich. What is driving your goals and desires, spirit or ego?

Again, to create what it is that you want in life, it is very important to be very clear on exactly what it is that you want in life. I would encourage you to take some time and get very quiet and relaxed, with a pen and paper. Take some deep breathes and close your eyes, now imagine your perfect life. What does your perfect life look like? Imagine it in great detail. What do you see? Where do you live? Are you married, if so what is your spouse like? How much money do you make monthly? What are your friends like? How does your body look and feel? What is your emotional state? What do you do for work? How do you feel? Imagine your perfect life in as much detail as possible.

When you are ready, begin to write down everything that you just visualized in as great of detail as possible. Write down the feelings you feel and everything that you can possibly think of.

Now that you have everything written down, go through each individual thing, write it on a separate piece of paper and write down why you want each thing. Write every reason why, that you can think of. Writing down your 'why' is extremely important for two reasons. The first reason is that this will help you determine if these desires are ego driven or spirit driven. The second reason is, the power of 'why'is what creates our powerful emotions that create what we want. If we state that we want certain things, but we are unclear on why we want them, then our power to create is weak. When we are crystal clear on why, and that 'why' inspires us, then our power to create is extremely powerful.

Now, you are clear on what you want and why you want it, you have now activated The Universe to start working with you to create what it is you want. I would encourage you to look at your list of what you want and why you want it very often. I would encourage you to read what you wrote for your ideal life, one to three times a day, especially before you go to sleep at night.

Some other powerful tools that can help you manifest your life dreams quicker and easier are, vision boards, affirmations, daily meditation and a gratitude journal.

A vision board helps you keep your goals in your minds eye on a daily basis. Find pictures of what you want and paste them all in one place on a board or on your wall, or whatever works best for you. It is our subconscious mind that creates our reality. We create new results by changing the information in our subconscious mind. Vision boards are a very powerful way to give new information to your subconscious. Another very powerful way to do this, is affirmations.

Affirmations are one of the most effective ways to create what it is that you desire. Write what you want in the present moment, as if you have already created what it is that you want. When you speak your affirmations, speak them with great feeling and emotion. I would encorage you to write affirmations for the top three things that you want to create and read each one five times out loud, three times a day.

Daily meditation is very important. By meditating every day you keep your connection to spirit strong. By having a strong connection to spirit, you take inspired action more often, rather that ego minded action. Spiritually guided inspired action will take you to your goals with the least resistance, to allow you to manifest your life dreams easily and effortlessly.

Gratitude is the most powerful emotion to create what we want, besides love. Love is the most powerful emotion to create, however gratitude is a form of love and carries great power. I would highly encourage you to start a gratitude journal. Every morning or evening, sit and write everything that comes to mind or heart, that you are grateful for. Just keep writing until you feel compelled to stop. You may start with writing only one thing, however, the more you write what you are grateful for, the more things in your life you will notice to be grateful for. At some time, you will come to a point where there are so many things that you are grateful for, you couldn't possibly write it all down in one sitting. That is a beautiful place to be. Remember, that feeling of gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for creating what you want.

To be able to incorporate all of these things you may need to make some changes in your life and in your schedule. If you keep doing what you have always done, you will continue to create the same things that you have always created. To live your ideal life, you need to eliminate anything that is not in alignment with what it is that you want to create. That means eliminating all habits, activities, people and beliefs that are not in complete alignment with your ideal life. To create new results, you need to create new habits and beliefs.

Belief is extremely important. If you do not believe that you can have what you want, you will not create what you want. All of the exercises that I have described in this article can help you increase your belief. Just know that you deserve to have what you want. Only you can keep yourself from having what you want and only you can allow yourself to create what it is you want.

Ryan Pearson is a Master Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Writer, Inspirational Speaker and Co-host of the popular Internet Radio Show, 'Empower Hour Radio'. He is known for helping his clients, students and listeners manifest their biggest dreams with the least amount of receiving. You can now receive free guidance and teachings directly to your email, go to http://www.happiness-lifecoach.com

Maureen Amberg is an author, entrepreneur and children’s advocate for MEA Online Edge Inc., with emphasis on the self esteem and positive inner confidence of children; including teenagers. Caring for Kids is my current life focus. I strive to be kind, tranquil, serene, and compassionate. Hopefully, this translates into peaceful, calm and helpful.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Pearson

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San Pedro, CA, United States
Maureen is an author,entrepreneur and children's advocate for MEA Online Edge Inc., with emphasis on the self esteem and self confidence of children; including teenagers. Caring for Kids is my current life focus. I strive to be tranquil, serene, and compassionate. Hopefully, this translates into "peaceful and calm".



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